• Why the Carlface

  • It was my graduating year of university and I wanted a fun phrase for my design portfolio and so I chose Carlface.

    One can naturally Carlface when engaged in meaningful discussions across the chasms of laughter and wit.

  • Throughout the seasons

  • Gaining an appreciation for the randomness of randomness is somethin I have come to familiarize myself with as there is somethin kinda interesting about the opportunities for some picture-tastic moments every now and then among the proverbial canvas and such.
  • Carl Razazi
  • Other musings Carl Razazi - LinkedIn Connect

  • It should be mentioned that I have done my darndest to logically distill my decade worth of design experience into palatable bite-size morsels that showcase the type of work I enjoy and have loved growing into as a designer.

    Send a hello my way if you're wise to an opening or freelance project that has potential. Otherwise I wouldn't know to lend my assistance and perspective to your team's design efforts.

    As you may have summized, I'm a creative of plenty words and even more design solves no matter the medium.

    Carl Razazi